


All students please join us for the Performing 艺术 Kick-Off Meeting on Friday, 8月. 16, right after school in Bannan Theater.



试镜 will take place on 8月. 下午3点到6点.m. in Bannan Theater by appointment only.

Prior to auditioning complete the following two steps

  1. Fill out 面试的形式   (only students with SI Email can open).
  2. Sign up for an 面试预约 (only students with SI Email can open).

At the audition, perform one of the monologues: 试镜独白.

Tentative Rehearsal 日历

More audition information

If you have any questions contact Mr. 咖喱 

2024-25 Dance Workshop

试镜 will be held on Tuesday, 8月. 20, 3:15-5:15 p.m.在维根剧院举行. 
No experience necessary! 学生 must attend the entire audition. 


  • 3:00-3:30 - Arrival, introductions, self-warm-up
  • 3:30-4:00 - Ballet barre
  • 4:00-4:30 - Jazz center
  • 4:30-4:45 -休息
  • 4:45-5:15 - Contemporary choreography

请填写 此试镜表格 8月1日前. 19,下午5点.m.

问题? 联系夫人. Claire Calalo Berry at ccalaloberry@amaryllis-esthetique.com.

2024-25 Spring Musical


试镜 will take place on Oct. 声乐和11月29日. 1 for Dance (most attend both) from 3 to 6 p.m. in Bannan Theater by Appointment only.

Prior to auditioning complete the following two steps

1)填写 面试的形式   (only students with SI Email can open).

2)报名参加一个活动 面试预约 (only students with SI Email can open).

At the audition you will need to sing one of these two song choices:  海选歌曲1; 海选歌曲2.

Tentative Rehearsal 日历

为 more audition information click: 听觉信息

问题:接触 Mr. 泰德咖喱


请与. David Lam, our Tech Theater Director, for more information about this program and how to join! dlam@amaryllis-esthetique.com.

8月. 14, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (for returning OR new members) 
8月. 15, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (for returning members)
8月. 19, 3-5 p.m. (for 新 members only) 
8月. 19, 5-5:30 p.m.(for returning members, if needed)

2024 - 25乐团

试镜 for Symphonic 管弦乐队 (strings, winds, brass, percussion) will take place 8月. 14 & 15 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.) & 8月 19 by appointment only in the Band Room. Prior experience playing an instrument for at least one year (private lessons or in an orchestra/band) is required. Using your SI email address, sign up for an audition time here: Audition Appointment Sign Ups

Please prepare a 2-octave scale in either B-flat Major or C Major in 8th notes (played at quarter note = 90 bpm), and a 1-minute solo of your choice. There will also be a short sight-reading excerpt.  

管弦乐队 meets on Mondays from 3 to 5:30 p.m. 在合唱室. We have instrument lockers so you can drop off your instrument in the morning. A select group will be invited to join a smaller chamber orchestra which rehearses after school for 90 minutes on a separate day of the week. 

If you have any questions please contact Dr. 克莱门茨: gclements@amaryllis-esthetique.com

2024-25 Pep Band

没有试镜, but prior experience required - must play a Pep Band instrument and be able to read music - contact Mr. 绿色 ggreen@amaryllis-esthetique.com.


8月. 20, 3-5 p.m.
8月. 21, 3-5 p.m.
8月. 22, 3-5 p.m.

Jazz Band rehearses 3-5 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.  试镜 for Jazz Band will take place on 8月. 20, 21, and 22 in the Band Room at SI.  Click here to sign up for an audition.  Please review and practice the audition materials ahead of time, which can be found here.  In addition to these prepared materials, there will be a short sightreading excerpt. You may also play a short piece of your choice that you feel best demonstrates your abilities on your instrument.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. 绿色在 ggreen@amaryllis-esthetique.com.

2024-25 Choral Program

欢迎所有人! No experience necessary for Mixed Chorus, which rehearses Mondays, 5-7:30 p.m. You just need to have the desire to sing and the time to dedicate to our rehearsals and you will make it into this choir. Please sign up for a 10-minute slot on one of the two days. All choir members must sign up for a slot, even if you have been in SI Choir before. Voices change over the summer! I want to make sure you are placed in the correct voice part. 

为 Chamber Singers, these two choirs meet before school, two days a week each from 8 to 8:50 a.m. Limited students are accepted and prior choral/singing experience is required. If you are auditioning for one of our Chamber Choirs, you will need to complete a sight singing prompt at the end of your audition time

All singers will participate in simple vocal warm-ups and must prepare a 30-60 second a cappella piece in any style to sing for Ms. 戈麦斯. Choose a song that shows your voice well. 

choir members: Monday, 8月. 19, 3-6 p.m. 
返回 choir members: Tuesday, 8月. 20, 2-6:30 p.m. on 变焦
Sign up for a slot here! 


This informational video will introduce you to the Star Program